Page name: suggest a poll [Logged in view] [RSS]
2015-05-09 14:08:01
Last author: hanhepi
Owner: Teufelsweib
# of watchers: 92
D20: 18
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Do you get tired of seeing the same poll on Main Street day after day, or perhaps you have a fun idea for a new Main Street Poll?
Submit ideas for new polls and if the Statisticians select it, you'll become one of the ET Pollers!


Submission Rules:

1. Try to keep the questions suitable for all groups - Elftown is a family site.
2. Suggested questions must have suggested answers as well.
3. Place your suggestion at the bottom.
4. FOLLOW the [#format] exactly as provided!
5. Controversial subjects (such as abortion, gay marriage, politics, etc) will not be accepted. The poll is meant to be a fun feature, and those topics tend to lead to argument and "mud-slinging".
6. The Statisticians reserve the right to remove or alter any suggested poll.


Submission Guidelines:

<img12*0:img/drawing/19683_1095874738.jpg> Polls are placed on Main Street; try to submit polls that can involve the community as a whole.
 - For instance, submitting a poll about school is not as likely to be chosen, as many members are not students.

<img12*0:img/drawing/19683_1095874738.jpg> Some polls are better in your house, than on Main Street.
- For example, asking about car types is both regional and doesn't interest a large amount of members.

<img12*0:img/drawing/19683_1095874738.jpg> Try not to submit polls based on things in <forum:Elftown, Suggestions>.
- Asking about existing Elftown features is OK, but this isn't the place to submit new suggestions.

<img12*0:img/drawing/19683_1095874738.jpg> The polls are changed at the whim of the Statisticians, although generally they will be up at least two weeks.

Older submissions may be moved to SAP - Submissions 1 to prevent this page from being too large for easy editing; don't worry! All submissions are still reviewed and considered.


Submission Format:

Name: [Your Username]

<b>Question:</b> Why?
-Just because
-Why not?
-Who cares?


Place new submissions at the bottom of this page!


Name: [pixish]

Question: What 'label' do you most identify with?
- Artist
- Writer
- Poet
- Musician
- Photographer
- Art Appreciator
- Nerd
- Gamer
- Programmer
- Role Player
- I don't prescribe to labels
- Troll/Turkey

Question: Who would win in a fight: Spiderman or Hulk?
- Spiderman
- Hulk

Question: What would you like to see more of in Elftown competitions?
- High Fantasy
- Science Fiction
- Cosplay
- Sculpture
- Photography
- Photo Manipulations
- Drawing
- Real Life
- Writing

Question: Why do you not participate in Elftown competitions?
- I'm not interested in the theme
- I don't own a camera or a scanner
- I forgot about it
- I don't know where to find competitions
- My work isn't good enough to win
- I'm not an artist, I just love art

Name: [Skydancer]

Question?: Would you be interested in seeing an artists marketplace on Elftown where members could donate art to be sold to raise operating and upgrade funds for Elftown?

-I rather think that is a grand idea!
-I will buy that, but I hope there is a variety of prices.
-I support the idea and would donate art to it.
-I do not feel its practical
-Nice idea but not something I would be a part of.
-Unlikely to work.
-No, I do not think its a good idea.

Name: [Nioniel]

Question: Which type of contest would you rather submit an entry to?
-Writing & Poetry
-3-D Artwork
-None of these

Name: [Lord Josmar]

Question: How often do you check Elftown on your Smartphone?

- Several times a day
- Once a day
- Few times a week
- Once a week
- A few times a month
- Once a month
- Only when im bored or at the doctor's
- What smartphone?

Name: [Linderel]

Question: What kind of RPs are more your cup of tea?

- Tabletop
- Console/PC
- Forum or wiki run
- Messages between two people
- Other (comment!)

Name: [Akayume]

Question: What do you think happened to the unicorns?

-They were carried away in the biblical flood
-They escaped to Middle Earth
-Aliens took them away :(
-They still exist on Candy Mountain!
-Unicorns are dead.

Name: [Sagacious Turkey]

Question: Have you ever heard of Bob's Diner?

- No
- Yes
- I'm not sure
- I have now

Name: [Roma]

Question: How familiar are you with ET?
-I know how to go to my friends' houses and wikis and message
-I know how to make wikis
-I know how to make wikis that look nice and are easily navigable
-All of the above plus forums
-I am a part of the glue that keeps the site running and therefore know EVERYTHING

Name: [Lothuriel]

Question: Which feature would you most like to see added to Elftown?
-I'd like to be able to change the color of my house so that other members can see it too
-A button similar to the "like" button on Facebook
-I would like to be able to reply to individual comments instead of my comments showing up at the bottom of the page
-I'd like to be able to rate Photos and Houses, not just wikis
-I would love to be able to post video in my diary, not just a YouTube link
-Other (Please put your ideas in the comment box)

Name: [Rainbow Dragonflies]

Question: What would your motivation be to apply for crew?
-It would make me more active on-site.
-I would be able to contribute to the community.
-I would get a shiny badge.
-All of the above.
-None of the above.
-Other (please comment)

Name: [Mortified Penguin]

Question: What stylesheet are you using right now?
-What's a stylesheet?

Question: What do you spend most of your time on Elftown doing?
-Messaging friends
-Commenting on wikis
-Posting in forums
-Entering contests
-Other (leave a comment)

Name: [Lord Josmar]
Question: What is your favorite Sci-fi Race?
-Other (Please leave a comment)

Name: [Alexi Ice]
Question: They say the world will end soon. Which apocalypse suits your fancy?
- Zombies!!
- Meteor falling from the sky
- Ice age
- Other natural disasters
- World war III
- Nuclear power failure
- Alien invasion

Name: [Ittai]
Question: You're home alone,in bed and reading a book. You hear a noise, something or someone is moving downstairs. You...
- Call the police and hide under the bed.
- Grab the closest domestic object that may as well be repurposed as a harmful weapon and boldly head down after the intruder!
- Rememeber you don't have downstairs, it is ground floor, calm yourself that it was only the cat. Later, realize you dont have a cat...
- Quickly jump out of the window, never mind how seriously the fall may harm you.
- Don't read books, or in other words, safe.

Name: [Stephen]
Question: During the last year, what is the longest you've voluntarily gone without using the internet?
- Less than 12 hours - it's my life!
- Less than 24 hours - I don't go a full day without it.
- Between 1 and 3 days - I can go a few days without being online.
- Between 4 and 6 days - Not a full week, but I tend to be busy sometimes.
- Between 1 and 3 weeks - I've missed entire internet fads.
- More than a month - I had no idea what people were talking about when I came back.

Name: [Stephen]
Question: You're starting on your adventure today to become a Pokemon Master! Who do you choose?!

<img:> Bulbasaur
<img:> Charmander
<img:> Squirtle

Name: [The Black Goat]

Question: Do you use Elftown as your site of choice for written Role Plays (RP's)?
-No, I don't RP
-No, I use a site that is dedicated solely for RPing
-Yes, but I use other site's as well
-Yes, but only because I didn't know there are sites for RPing!
-Yes, the wiki page set up is preferable for RPs
-What is Role Playing again?

Name: [kians mummy]

Question: What was [Hedda]'s First Website he Created.
- I don't know.

Go, or return to:
- Statisticians
- ET Pollers
- Used MS Polls

Username (or number or email):


2005-07-11 [Insaniac Yoshie]: heh... im either 1) to lazy to think of more polls or 2) to stupid. becauseim out of ideas :P

2005-07-11 [no roses lay there*my casket is bare]: lol i just re read my comment n i dont think it makes sence to what i mean...i think you should be able to click more than one answer to a poll

2005-07-11 [Insaniac Yoshie]: oh yeah when you have like one of those half this and halfthat answers

2005-07-11 [no roses lay there*my casket is bare]: yeah, n like whats your fave foods. you dont only eat one food, theres more than one answer

2005-07-11 [Insaniac Yoshie]: i know and like the last mainstreet poll they had. id like to know about published elftowners but i dont reall ycare either way

2005-07-12 [Sagacious Turkey]: templar forgot the common no answer...

2005-07-12 [Aradon Templar]: I think my options covered most opinions. No is a rather bland answer, and I couldn't think of another reason for 'no' that I didn't list, so they shouldn't need a no. In any case, I left it open with an optional 'other' answer, so meh. I think it's a fine poll :D *ish into stylesheets* I'm currently working on my second one.

2005-07-12 [Dang]: the poll should be how stpuid is the guards

2005-07-12 [djxmonster]: how stpuid is the guards?? How about the mental capacity of certain people on here?

2005-07-12 [Aradon Templar]: Erm, the polls should be more optomistic. Generally they'd phrase it more like, "Aren't the guards great?" or something like that. And then someone could answer, "No! I hate them!" :P

2005-07-13 [*lolipop*]: should cybering be band?

2005-07-13 [Aradon Templar]: Eh, there's something similar already, but if you want to suggest a poll, put it up in the page :D

2005-07-14 [Morganath]: green people scare purple people.....

2005-07-15 [Deleted001]: Did I spell anarchy right ?Ô.o

2005-07-15 [Aradon Templar]: Yeah.

2005-07-15 [Jay Ladlehaus]: that actually kind of looks like a fun poll, [Carol Lynn].

2005-07-15 [Carol Lynn]: thank you [Jay Ladlehaus]

2005-07-15 [T2]: name:thumper16

2005-07-15 [minifer]: liking your poll mohazy...

2005-07-19 [WonderTweek]: They used my Poll idea! *feels all speical and whatnot* ^^

2005-07-19 [Shiorysm]: oooooh please!! what poll is "do you think this poll is pointless?" use good ones!! hehehehe sorry if i was rud

2005-07-19 [I_love_music]: Some of the polls do look interesting. I wish I was smrt enough to think of something good. All I can come up with is music related crap.

2005-07-19 [minifer]: the one i came up with kinda turned into a small rant for me lol

2005-07-19 [djxmonster]: Lol... don't worry... That "pointless" poll is just a filler right now. I was waiting because we were going to have a poll for the Elftown costume Design contest but, it's been moved to another page. A new poll will be used soon.

2005-07-19 [minifer]: wow you actually talk to people on here!! *gasp shock horror*

2005-07-19 [djxmonster]: Lol... Why wouldn't I?

2005-07-19 [minifer]: iunno...cos your like a guard n iunno i never talked to un...unless they took down a wiki banner n i mssged em sayin "huh what was wrong with it!??"..n it turns out to be nothing apart from the fact ya can't have 2 banners for the same wiki or something like that...but yeah...i ramble..slightly ^_^ lol

2005-07-19 [Aradon Templar]: Because often times the moderators of pages run by official-type peoples prefer/tend to remain aloof, and above socializing and such. ... Such a useful phrase: and such. ^^'

2005-07-19 [djxmonster]: lol... I'm not a "hig power" really on ET or anything... I just got tired of seeing the same poll all the time :D

2005-07-19 [Aradon Templar]: o.O You've got five badges, and one is for being on the Council. That makes you a high power. Though I know what you mean :P

2005-07-19 [djxmonster]: Lol...

2005-07-19 [minifer]: oh modesty will get you nowhere...but flattery on the other am offskis to bed now since tis 11.30 n i have to be up in afew hrs...nighty night xxx

2005-07-19 [Jay Ladlehaus]: [djxmonster] has always seen fit to consort with us mere mortals, even after his ascension to godhood.  He's one of those hands-on deities.

2005-07-19 [djxmonster]: Hey... I'm no different than any of you... I'm just allowed to do a few more things :)

2005-07-19 [Aradon Templar]: That seems different. In a sense. Though probably not significantly different...

2005-07-19 [djxmonster]: Well... how about I'm no better then?

2005-07-19 [Jay Ladlehaus]: [djxmonster] is only testing our faith. Do not forget His divinity!

2005-07-19 [djxmonster]: lol

2005-07-19 [Aradon Templar]: Nah. That sounds fine :D We art all equals. Until the one who could be better decides he is better. Which is usually the one who has more weapons.

2005-07-20 [minifer]: lol im liking that phrase..

2005-07-20 [Jay Ladlehaus]: I would change from "more weapons" to "best weapons."

2005-07-20 [Aradon Templar]: All circumstantial, of course. If I had a billion guns and people worldwide, and you only had one nuke, I'd win :P

2005-07-20 [Jay Ladlehaus]: No you wouldn't, especially if that nuke was powerful enough. Of course, I wouldn't win either :(

2005-07-20 [Aradon Templar]: No, a nuke would only take out a portion of the world. You wouldn't be able to take out all my guys, and then be virtually defenseless against any assault.

2005-07-20 [Jay Ladlehaus]: Ah, but if I had a powerful enough nuke, I could still poison environment, not to mention the economic fallout. Plus, it is likely that my 1 nuke would be sufficient to deter your 1 billion from attacking me, leaving us again, at a stalemate. Plus, I could threaten the families of your guys with the nuke, stating that unless you were deposed, I would nuke their families. Or, let's say instead of a nuke my only weapon is a biological weapon, like, maybe rage from 28 Days Later. All I would have to do is create enough cultures in monkeys and then I could infect your entire population. Again, I wouldn't really win, but neither would you.

2005-07-20 [Jay Ladlehaus]: Either way, the point I was going for with "best weapons" was the Bruce Lee principle of weaponry. A Navy SEAL might cost twice as much as a Marine, but he can take out five times as many people. Similiarly, you might have 1 billion weapons and people worldwide, but if those weapons are 18th century flintlocks and your soldiers are all civilians with no training, you don't stand a chance to say, my force of 1 million professional soldiers armed with modern weaponry, or similiarly, you could have several hundred thousand Arabs fighting my tens of thousands of Holocaust survivors. I still win. Given the force multiplier of better weapons, you would therefore want the "best weapons,"

2005-07-20 [Jay Ladlehaus]: not just the most.

2005-07-20 [minifer]: i only said i liked the

2005-07-20 [Jay Ladlehaus]: I can't hear you, I'm infected by Rage *chomp*

2005-07-20 [minifer]: *edges away*

2005-07-21 [Carol Lynn]: ohh dear...*roll's eyes*

2005-07-21 [Carol Lynn]: Is it alright to submit more than one poll?

2005-07-21 [djxmonster]: Yes! :D

2005-07-21 [Carol Lynn]: Fantastic! ^.^

2005-07-21 [minifer]: oh wow im loving that latest poll mohazy!! i rlly am!! you think up the greatest polls..

2005-07-21 [Jay Ladlehaus]: indeed

2005-08-04 [djxmonster]: O_o We now have a link to this on Mainstreet :D

2005-08-04 [Aradon Templar]: Hehe, glad to see the linkage was changed :D

2005-08-04 [Cookieholic]: does anyone like my poll?

2005-08-08 [Sytske]: hey jonathan! ik vind jou poll het beste;) hehe

2005-08-08 [Cookieholic]: hahaha dank je wel =P

2005-08-08 [minifer]: its a fabulous poll..

2005-08-10 [Sytske]: hoe verzin je het =P haha! kaas=P een egte hollander!!

2005-08-12 [spit_me_out]: wusup

2005-08-16 [Carol Lynn]: [Magic is in a Sunrise] go look at Elftown Descript Polling polls like yours have already been made…

2005-08-20 [tater tot idiot 692005]: nothign i would od nothing stupid idiot

2005-08-20 [Carol Lynn]: That made so sense at all...

2005-08-21 [djxmonster]: Older suggestions have been moved to SAP - submissions 1. Don't worry! All submissions have an equal chance of being used.

2005-08-23 [Sagacious Turkey]: ...the polls are getting more and more... uh... what's the word...? ...not so great!

2005-08-23 [DJ SKYLINE]: ok how do u put a poll up

2005-08-25 [vexd vixin]: yah i want to know too!

2005-08-26 [Carol Lynn]: [SpiralDragon] That is a cute poll ^.^

2005-08-26 [SpiralDragon]: poll how-to Skylineog89, vexd vixin heres where you can learn.

2005-08-26 [SpiralDragon]: Oh thank you Mohazy's Ladybird =^,^=

2005-08-26 [Carol Lynn]: You are welcome ^.^

2005-08-26 [SpiralDragon]: oh I really like yours! =3

2005-08-26 [Steel Mal'ak]: I think [Lari]'s poll should be put up!

2005-08-27 [Giganto Coconuts]: I think [Giganto Coconuts] poll should be put up too!

2005-08-27 [Sagacious Turkey]: ...What about people who don't delete their messages...? Like... me!

2005-08-27 [Giganto Coconuts]: well what about the penguin threat?!??!!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

2005-08-27 [Sagacious Turkey]: Penguins...? Taking over the world...? That's just stupid... everyone knows that it's turkeys that will take over...

2005-08-27 [Giganto Coconuts]: LOL you should make a poll then!!

2005-08-27 [Sagacious Turkey]: Uh huh... I already have a stupid poll...

2005-08-28 [Lari]: thanks steel / sickness!

2005-08-28 [Steel Mal'ak]: You're welcome! ^_^

2005-08-30 [Tupile]: Whenever they make a big change to the ET workings, like opening to the Messages page instead of Mainstreet, they should make a poll to see if people really like it or not.

2005-08-30 [djxmonster]: I just made one! ^_^

2005-08-30 [Steel Mal'ak]: I hate the new message-page! It's so ugly!!! And if my parents are looking over my shoulder, it's the FIRST thing they see!

2005-08-30 [djxmonster]: The message page didn't change... what changed is that you start on that page insted of Mainstreet

2005-08-30 [Steel Mal'ak]: I know that! But I hate it!!!

2005-08-31 [SpiralDragon]: I like it, you can see who sent you messages right in the begining ^_^

2005-09-01 [minifer]: i dont like it at confuses me cos iunno which are the new messages or what..i'd prefer to start on either mainstreet or my own house..but i think there should be an option where ya can choose where ya start..

2005-09-01 [SpiralDragon]: Well your newest mail is posted at the top? whats so confuseing about it?

2005-09-02 [Lari]: I agree with minifer. I don't like the new setup. I prefered opening onto the mainstreet. That way I saw what was new. Besides, if there is a new message the box to the right is glowing blue, so how can you miss it?

2005-09-03 [.the plastic emo.]: I like my suggested question

2005-09-06 [djxmonster]: I would hope so!

2005-09-08 [Kiristo]: Added one

2005-09-09 [Steel Mal'ak]: I hate it. As if we don't have enough corruption on ET, if we let some of these morons put their music up, Elftown would really go to hell.

2005-09-09 [VulcanPrime]: thay need to kill that stupid start at messages crap they got goin on

2005-09-10 [djxmonster]: It's been discussed.... sadly it's not being changed.

2005-09-10 [shotokan_gal]: 'b- they are too stupid to figure out how' o_0 Not exactly the politest statement I've ever seen.

2005-09-10 [SpiralDragon]: I really don't see whats the problem with it. :P I like it, I don't know how people get confused about "whichs ones my new mail" if you can't figure it out just click the "whee a new message" button. Is it that hard? :P

2005-09-11 [SpiralDragon]: The newest one [Carol Lynn] I really like that one! ^_^

2005-09-11 [Sagacious Turkey]: But isn't answers 3 and 7 a bit alike...?

2005-09-11 [SpiralDragon]: Im talking about the newest one Mohazy's Ladybird made.

2005-09-12 [pixish]: So is [Sagacious Turkey] :P - Yes questions 3 and 7 are almost exactly the same :S

2005-09-12 [Carol Lynn]: Yes they are, i didn't notice and i chaged it...and you mean answers right? lol

2005-09-12 [pixish]: haha, yes I meant answers :P *^__^*

2005-09-12 [djxmonster]: So... is [pixish] offically taking over? :) *crosses fingers*

2005-09-12 [Carol Lynn]: ^.^ I like makeing these polls lol

2005-09-12 [Carol Lynn]: And there now I have made a new 7th answer.

2005-09-12 [pixish]: [djxmonster] - as long as I can still poke you for a little while at the beginning :P  [Carol Lynn] - woo! good job :P

2005-09-12 [djxmonster]: Poke away! :P

2005-09-12 [pixish]: *^___^* I shall >:)

2005-09-12 [SpiralDragon]: O_o;;

2005-09-13 [Carol Lynn]: he he thankies ^.^

2005-09-14 [pixish]: Deleting some of the less appropriate poll suggestions and ones that are too similar to older ones suggested. If yours is deleted, feel free to resubmit a new/better poll suggestion.

2005-09-19 [Swollenfish]: um hehe

2005-09-20 [pixish]: Note - Please also remember that this is for suggesting a Main Street poll. Some of these suggestions would be better suited for your houses :)

2005-09-23 [SpiralDragon]: GRR!!! People! you need to remember the < HR >!!! *fixes* Its not that hard? :P *lol* Please remember to put that there. < HR >

2005-09-23 [Carol Lynn]: *fear*

2005-09-23 [SpiralDragon]: *lol hugs* don't worry << >> I think o.o

2005-09-24 [bud bud ding ding £2.99]: fill in n replyfill in n reply

2005-09-24 [pixish]: This is not the place for that sort of thing [bud bud ding ding £2.99]

2005-09-26 [*goofy*]: favorite movie

2005-10-03 [Sunrose]: [Driden of Duskblade]: please only submit a suggestion once and mind that you do not mess up other peoples submissions :)

2005-10-04 [Teufelsweib]: nice idea of being able to submit a poll ^^

2005-10-13 [Konobi]: I don't think you can post that mnay questions up...

2005-10-13 [Carol Lynn]: Well I posted 3 as well...

2005-10-15 [someelf]: Can I add? o.o

2005-10-20 [pixish]: yes :)

2005-10-20 [someelf]: Woohoo, thankie ^^

2005-10-20 [someelf]: Hope it's good enough o.o'

2005-10-22 [Morniemacar]: leave mexican inmigrants live (deport it back to their homes dont kill them)

2005-10-22 [Jay Ladlehaus]: So...who exactly are killing them? And just out of curiosity, has anyone ever taken a look at say, the Mexico-Guatemala border activites?

2005-10-23 [someelf]: What if your poll actuely do come on Main? Do you get a warning about it? o.O'

2005-10-23 [Teufelsweib]: I guess you see it yourself then on the main street, right?

2005-10-23 [someelf]: Well, it's hard since the page when you get in starts in your msgs box. So I rarely look at it. :s

2005-10-23 [Teufelsweib]: hmm.. that's true.. didn't think about that :S

2005-10-23 [someelf]: Yeps, and when I finnaly come up thinking about main page, i forget about it 'cause i see a major box full of msgs. >.>.<.<

2005-10-23 [Teufelsweib]: hahaha.. common problem ;)

2005-10-23 [someelf]: XD Cool, so I'm not the only one :p

2005-10-23 [Teufelsweib]: there are more than you, believe me ;) although sometimes this one is kind of handy too

2005-10-23 [someelf]: You sure? o__O People ask me the strangest things lately on msgs c.c *Smirks some* :3 Proberly they know I'm insane XP

2005-10-23 [Morniemacar]: some farmers and a group of guys with guns, in the guatemala frontier isnt happen much, (i think, the press of my copuntry are corrupted as all the press of the world) some cubans are killed in the way to miami by USA police or groups like kkk too

2005-10-24 [Jay Ladlehaus]: *refrains from further comment on this subject*

2005-10-28 [pixish]: I am deleting some polls. Please remember that suggested polls should be something all ELFTOWNERS can relate to ^_^ Or at least think about answering.

2005-10-28 [Morniemacar]: why do you delete the memin pinguin and inmigrant polls?

2005-10-28 [Jay Ladlehaus]: 13:24:10 pixie_shimmer: I am deleting some polls. Please remember that suggested polls should be something all ELFTOWNERS can relate to ^_^ Or at least think about answering.

2005-10-29 [Morniemacar]: what do you mean

2005-10-29 [True, plain and simple]: Those polls had nothing to do with Elftown and were removed because they had nothing to do with Elftown.

2005-10-29 [someelf]: I wonder on how manny people would vote on my poll o.o'

2005-10-29 [Morniemacar]: ok, i ake that polls to create concience

2005-11-05 [pixish]: Then you can put them in your house *^_^*

2005-11-05 [Wes Foxx]: No one takes house polls unless you advertized them though o.o I did that as a test once. Either that, or everyone was too afraid to vote Oo

2005-11-05 [Morniemacar]: the fear to the unknown things are the cause of very bad behaviors in the humans ¬_¬

2005-11-05 [Wes Foxx]: Some of these I really like, like the kinds of wings, but most of these are in need of an elfTOWN (as opposed to/filtering out EP) filter and spell-check >< They're very house-poll.

2005-11-05 [Morniemacar]: english is not my natal language im mexican, i have many misses in y ortogtaphy

2005-11-06 [Wes Foxx]: Spelling mistakes aren't what I was talking about, it was the simple refusal to stop talking in 'leet'. A mainstreet poll shouldn't sound like it just got evicted from YIM.

2005-11-17 [Jay Ladlehaus]: can we...hmmmm?

2005-11-20 [~*~sexi_bitch~*~]: how longdoes it actually take for a pl to get onto elftown maim street ??

2005-11-21 [Morniemacar]: i could be a meanin mounster dont you?

2005-11-21 [pixish]: there is not really a time limit thing :)

2005-11-21 [~*~sexi_bitch~*~]: oh ok thanks >.<

2005-11-24 [Carol Lynn]: I was wondering, why was the poll i submitted to this page changed slighty when it got to mainstreet?

2005-11-25 [pixish]: Rules: 5. [pixish] also has the right to change any entry in any way!

2005-11-25 [Morniemacar]: that`so cruel dont ya think ? its like pixie get all the credit for the poll ¬_¬

2005-11-27 [pixish]: O_o No...[Carol Lynn] was given full credit on mainstreet.

2005-11-27 [pixish]: [out of ere] - poll suggestions from you will not be accepted. PLEASE - Add your suggestions to the BOTTOM of the page, and if I have deleted your poll suggestion DO NOT PUT IT BACK UP. Thank you ^_^

2005-12-03 [RiddleRose]: woot woot! i made a poll!

2005-12-05 [pixish]: good job ^_^ But maybe you should take thet topic to the Suggestions forum and see what people say? Or see if it has already been mentioned before :)

2005-12-05 [~*~sexi_bitch~*~]: just wonderin but y was ma suggestion deleted ?

2005-12-05 [Swollenfish]: ask [pixish] they can delete entries if they want

2005-12-06 [RiddleRose]: hmmm... *goes off to do that*

2005-12-06 [pixish]: [~*~sexi_bitch~*~] - I did not think your poll was appropriate for a mainstreet poll.

2005-12-06 [out of ere]: why has my poll been delited

2005-12-06 [Deadlock jester]: [out of ere] - see the comment above yours ^^;

2005-12-06 [~*~sexi_bitch~*~]: ok thankies xx

2005-12-09 [Morniemacar]: deamhen, why not a inmortality pills??? ^^

2005-12-10 [deamhen]: oh yeah ill add that

2005-12-12 [pixish]: emoticons has already been asked about in - <forum:Elftown, Suggestions>

2005-12-12 [Carol Lynn]: Yes I saw the rule...Rules: 5. [pixish] also has the right to change any entry in any way! But that dose not answer the question I asked, so i will ask again. Why was my poll changed?

2005-12-12 [Deadlock jester]: oh, sorry ^^;

2005-12-13 [Morniemacar]: all weapons are great

2005-12-13 [Jay Ladlehaus]: Since when did nuclear weapons and SCUDS become silent?

2005-12-13 [Morniemacar]: yes they are, if you ignore radars, they can hide its noise with the airplanes and city noise

2005-12-13 [Morniemacar]: the noise come when it explodes

2005-12-13 [pixish]: I'm not putting a poll about preferred methods of killing on mainstreet... [Carol Lynn] - I changed it because I felt it had a better range of answers.

2005-12-13 [Morniemacar]: aww man its only for fun, i will not kill somebosy (not yet ^^)

2005-12-13 [pixish]: not at all I hope :P Still, I do not think it is appropriate to be featured on mainstreet :)

2005-12-13 [Jay Ladlehaus]: Is it possible to modify the poll to what sort of weapons/tools do you like to roleplay with? (A) Melee weapons (swords, axes, spears) (B) Ranged weapons (crossbow, longbow, throwing stars) (C) Lockpick tools (D) Magic (staff, wand, potions, get the idea. Something not so focused on violence and more in tune with ET activities?

2005-12-13 [Morniemacar]: i dont know much about RPG weapons ( and i dont like much that games) and this poll is only a sugestion, maybe someone like you can create a poll based in this like the modify you soggest

2005-12-15 [Different Realities]: how odd... hmmmm....

2005-12-16 [Morniemacar]: ??

2005-12-17 [Different Realities]: why talk about killing people? shouldn't it be quite so it is easier to do? so yes, lets give out good way to kill someone. everyone be out for the look out!

2005-12-18 [Morniemacar]: ¬¬ (and pixie thinks im a mad guy)

2005-12-19 [pixish]: :P

2005-12-19 [pixish]: Older suggestions have been moved to SAP - submissions 1.

2005-12-20 [pixish]: [out of ere] - The poll is not going to happen >_< If you have a suggestion about Elftown, go to the Suggestions forum! I have already told you before not to post here, and you STILL cannot read and follow instructions properly. Please do not put your suggestion up again!

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